Despite the pandemic in 2021, house sales in the UK boomed. The real estate industry had the best of years in 2021. Due to the high demand and lack of homes on the market, a house price rise seemed inevitable. Nationwide reported that housing prices had increased by 11% over the year 2021 and official…
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There isn’t a yes or no response to this. It all relies on your personal and financial circumstances. If you are planning on purchasing a home, you may be curious about how house prices will likely develop and whether this is a good time. But no one can predict perfectly how housing prices or interest…
You don’t need to be financial analyst or real estate expert to understand how frenetic house price growth has been in the past year. In London, the UK and around the world people are swiftly coming back to dense urban areas in order to catch up with the pre-covid social and professional life. Indeed, central London landlords…
Prices, rates & competition are changing blazingly fast Not a well-kept secret, the housing market in the UK is going through turbulent times. It is now understood how the mass-exodus of London workers during the pandemic and the subsequent re-entering of renters after the lockdowns, are affecting housing prices and causing insane fluctuations. However, this…